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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Talking to your Father

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)

Most people look at prayer only as asking God for things. If that defines your prayer life, you are really missing out.

Prayer is communication with God -- the greatest privilege on earth that we as children of the living God can have.

Prayer is visiting with God. It can include asking for things, but is primarily spending time in God's presence, soaking up His life, His wisdom, and His strength.

Isaiah reveals an important truth to us: those who spend time with God get new strength. Literally, they exchange strength with Him. When we spend time with God He somehow takes away ourweakness and replaces it with His strength. What a deal!

As we spend time focused on God, in His presence, we are also changed into His likeness.  So, if you need more strength to face life, if you want to be 
more like God, or if you want to develop a closer relationship with the most amazing Being in the universe -- prayer is your answer.

Do not be concerned with knowing the right words or the proper format to speak in. Just talk to God as you would to a well-respected friend. Know that like any father who has not heard from his child whom he loves. God is always ready and willing to hear from you. He loves you so much that he gave his only begotten son for you. Hopeful you have not forgotten that??? Yes you are the apple of your Father's eye, did you know that.

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