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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Indulgences and cup coffee will get you where in heaven ????

Martin Luther was angry because the Church, had forgotten that the price for sin had already been paid. They could not do what only Christ did.  It was made very clear that no man can enter into the kingdom of heaven unless he enter in through Christ.  Much like today, religions tell you that works are your way into heaven, or your priest  can speak on your behalf. Christ is the only one that can and has spoken on behalf of each of us. You do not need to plant a seed or chant or meditate, simply confess your sins and commit yourself to Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior

When these people came to confession, they presented their plenary indulgences which they had paid good silver money for, claiming they no longer had to repent of their sins, since the document promised to forgive all their sins. Luther was outraged that they had paid money for what was theirs by right as a free gift from God. He felt compelled to expose the fraud that was being sold to the pious people. This exposure was to take place in the form of a public scholarly debate at the University of Wittenberg. The Ninety-five Theses outlined the items to be discussed and issued the challenge to any and all comers.

Bottom line people there is no other way into heaven accept by Christ.  " Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."  (John 14:6) Man has always hoped and believed that if there is a god that he is a loving god whom they can earn their way into heaven. Or perhaps this god they trust will grade on a curve. Good luck on that , cause my God tells me that there is no way that can be earned into heaven we can not work our way into heaven, our is simple we just have to believe.

For you whom want to have a religious argument try one of those religious site where they want you to plant a seed. Here is the deal, I would rather go through life believing in a God and find out I'm wrong.
Than to go through believing there is no God and be face to face with him, what shall you answer when ask what have you done for me???

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