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Friday, October 26, 2012

Let us be humble like a lamb

I love the fact that the Bible presents Jesus as both a lion and a lamb. What a perfect picture. What is more impressive than a ferocious lion? And what is meeker than a little lamb?These metaphors and the attendant imagery give hope and confidence to the believer. As taken into union with Christ Believers may through the power of the Holy Spirit exhibit lion-like courage together with lamb-like following and dependence upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, I find it amazing that this Lion, with all His power, came to earth as a submissive lamb. The Bible says, "He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so He opened not His mouth" (Isaiah 53:7). Both my parent marched with Dr. Martin Luther King jr, they were told that no matter what happen to be humble like a lamb, this was hard for my father being a military man and the son of John Henry who had died fighting and proving that he was a man to be reckoned with. My mother a white female herself was hit in the head with a brick dog beat her a fire hose turn on her and kicked and beaten, yet she remain silent and never fought back. While at that moment it didn't seem like their efforts were effective but I'm living proof that it was.
When Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate,He submitted as a lamb and died for the sins of the world. And this Lamb still bears on His resurrected body the price for our sins the marks of the crucifixion. The only man made effects in heaven are the marks of the crucifixion that our savior maintain. Lord I can never repay the debt that is own to you for what you did, and I'm thankful that you my debt is paid in full by my savior Jesus Christ.

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