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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

God is our supplier

 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

 Giving is a valid part of the Christian walk to reflect Christ to all we come into contact with. So what kind of giving are you doing and who are you giving to? Those in needs or just those from your clique?,God's plan is not going to fail if you don't give.  God does not need money, he wants your heart and your talent and your time to give to those in need, those who do not know who Jesus and those who God wants to bless via you, are you willing to be the hands and feet of Christ??? Well are you? Cause it may require you giving not only your money but your time and your talent till it hurts.  I believe in giving for it a practice that Jesus himself openly with joy in His heart. Why? Because I need God's help and blessing, plus I have the chance to be a blessing to someone else and I know that will bring honor and glory to the name of God.. Jesus said that if you did something to even the least of His, it was as if you did it to Him. 
 I am not against spending money to spread the Gospel. I am just against the idea that this is the only way God could do it, and that God is somehow dependent on my giving. As an example, when the communists took over in China, they forced all the missionaries to leave the country, leaving around one million believers with no obvious help or support. They had no Christian TV or radio, no Bible schools, no
Christian publishing houses, no help from anyone but God. Yet it has been acknowledged that the number of believers grew to about one hundred million during the years they were cut off from all outside help. God will not be stopped! Even if all preachers in the world were killed today, and all Christian media was banned, God would still be at work, and would still bring to pass His will. We should use every available means to bless others and spread the gospel of Christ crucified and Christ risen. But we must never make the error of thinking God's plan will fail because of a lack of money or even a lack of volunteers for many are called and few answer, not sure if it out of fear that God will want you to give up your nice and comfortable life for him. But new flash, Job said everything he had was God's anyway, like Job naked did I come into the world and with nothing shall I leave this world with.  My goal is to do the will of my Father, for I know he is my provider and I have never seen the children of God begging for bread, this is word from the OT. Believe accept it or not, its God's word meant to edify your life and mine.

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