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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

for to you I pray.

My  seven year old son Yeshua, often times tells his older sibling when something does not go their way. Life is not fair.  There is often no rational reasoning to why an innocent child is gun down in a park, or an elderly couple are pistol whip to death things happen that don't make sense, and we wonder why God didn't stop it from happening, why when we are standing in the middle of  storm that he does not come along and stop the storm, perhaps this is a storm you or I need to go through. Don't stop praying for He is hears your prayers and he is standing right there by your side. I watched my son fall and my heart broke, but he didn't damage anything but his self pride, he cried for a moment and looked at me to come to his rescue. I told him to stand up and come to me so that I could examine him to see if he had sustained any injuries, just as I suspected nothing was broken or sprained  not even the flesh was broken or the jeans ripped.  I wanted him to get back up and I knew he was not hurt. Does God sometimes see and hear our prayers but know that we need to go through?  Something God says no to request simply because  it wasn't what needed to happen. Sometimes God says no to our request or prayers simply because he knows that the trial or tribulation will only make us stronger. What we don't realize today is this hardship or this tragedy or this inexplicable event ultimately will  prepare us to later aid another person that God will send our way.  It will be like a long chain reaction that will produce this, this, and this, all for God's glory. So that thing you wanted had to go away, or that circumstance had to arise to produce those other things, and ultimately you will give God the glory. In the meantime, you will have to trust Him, knowing that it all will be revealed in heaven when we stand before the Lord. Know  this all prayers are answered in God's time and His way, it's just that the answer is not always the one we want to hear or experience.   David the Psalmist , learned to wait upon the Lord, have you learned that waiting upon the Lord means that you trusting him provide for you and take care of you.

 Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray.
 In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.
 You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil; with you the wicked cannot dwell. (Psalm 5:2-4)

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