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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Count it all as joy

It's confusing to me to see those who claim to believe in Jesus Christ acting like they are afraid to die and go to Heaven. I am not afraid to die. I look forward to it. It will be wonderful to be with Jesus in Heaven, after my job here is finished and the race is won. How can we expect the world to believe, if we don't act like we
believe? Your death is part of your testimony. If you approach death like those who have no hope, it is a bad testimony.  Should we leave this life kicking, screaming and dragging our feet or shall we go gently into that  good night? If we believe we are going to Heaven to be with Jesus, what then should we worry about?
Although we pass through death to leave this sin-infested planet, there will be no more pain no more tears. Jesus defeated death for us an removed death's sting so it cannot hurt us. We need have no fear of death. Death has no authority over us, nor should we fear it! We don't have a choice whether we will die. I desire that Christ may be glorified, not only in my life, but also in my death. May the life I've lived speak of Christ may my life be a witness for Jesus even in death may it speak of Jesus. I am not advocating giving in easily to death before it is time. But we all must eventually face death, so when the time comes, let us face it without fear.There is a time to die, a time when it is best. A time when you have finished your course on earth, and you are ready to go be with Jesus. Until then, you should resist death. But you should near fear death.

 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 
 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:20-21)


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