The views of the writer are not necessarily the view of this blog or the owner of the blog, but these views are being posted simply to bring out a dialog on the subject of Fatherhood and the views of men in are power
Obama: America's Deadbeat Dad
Barack tells us he wants to engage in a “national conversation” on parenting, coming off the heels of Father’s Day. Okay, brother, let’s have it: You suck as a dad. Yea, yea, I know we’re told that you spend time with your daughters, Sasha and Malia – shooting hoops with them on weekends and arranging tween celebs such as the Jonas Brothers to make surprise appearances at the White House. And you even boast that your regime is implementing a new initiative “to re-engage absent fathers with their families.” Fine: We’ll give you a vintage copy of the Communist Manifesto for stating the obvious – that dads should take care of their children. But fathering goes much deeper than that.
Barack, you are America’s Deadbeat Dad: And here’s why:
It’s incumbent upon fathers to leave their kids with a better tomorrow, to ensure that their children’s lives are more prosperous and rewarding than their lives were. No loving parent would intentionally saddle his offspring with an anvil of debt and liabilities, splurging profligately for the pleasures of today at the expense of his family’s future wellbeing. But Barack, that’s exactly what you have done. Your administration has single-handedly set this nation on a course where, not only will Sasha and Malia be drowning in wealth-destroying debt, but every child of their generation as well. To be sure, you have spent wealth that hasn’t even been created yet. As Sen. Jim DeMint observers in an exclusive op-ed on the pages today’s HUMAN EVENTS, “The federal government will soon be paying more in interest on the national debt than we spend on national defense.”
But that matters not to you. Under your control, America continues to nosedive into the bottomless abyss of government spending. Currently, our national debt hovers at 93% of this country’s gross domestic product. In other words, we are only seven percentage points away from our entire economic output as a country being wiped out by the amount of money we owe—money that must largely be repaid to foreign and hostile governments, including China.
Barack, what you’re doing to this country is child abuse. In warp speed, you’re institutionalizing a system in America where it is public policy for parents and grandparents to raid the wallets and purses of their children and children’s children.
Perhaps your economic illiteracy and leadership void are the result of your own daddy issues. It really is unfortunate that your father walked out on your mom. No one showed you manhood. No one taught you leadership.
Sen. DeMint is right when he says: “Surely, one of the world’s greatest debtors cannot remain the world’s greatest superpower for long.” Dear Leader Barack, if you truly cared about the world in which your daughters will grow up in, take the Senator’s advice and urge your colleagues to pass the Balanced Budget Amendment and restore fiscal sanity to this great land.
In times such as these, we need only to look at world history. The ancient civilizations of Persia and Greece come to mind. One might consider the history of the British or Roman Empires; Napoleonic France or Spain; also the dynasties of the Chinese and Japanese Emperors, along with the Egyptian Pharos, or the Mayans and Aztecs. All of these republics, empires and dynasties have fallen upon the dust heap of history. Do these once great societies have any meaning in our present day? Oh yes! Big time!
The study of these civilizations was the basis and foundation for our Constitutional Republic. Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton, Adams and all our founding fathers studied how these civilizations emerged, evolved and eventually failed. Our founders answered these rises and collapses of past civilizations with the Great American Experiment; The Constitution of the United States of America; our map for continuing success.
Our grand document is based on the creation, evolvement and failure of every civilization in history. It was conceived through the wisdom of all the grand thinkers in world history. (Thinkers and philosophers who knew that their history would be important to some future civilization and they were intelligent enough to write it down or carve it in stone) Our Constitution is a document written to preserve individual liberty and to organize a union of separate states, into a Federal Union; The United States of America.
Why do we now fail our Constitution? Why don’t we teach more of it in public and private schools? Why do politicians and judges say it’s outdated? The reality is that we are at the crossroads between the success or failure of our Constitutional Republic. This Great Document needs to be honored and cherished dearly.
Our Congress; the Senate and House of Representatives, is now failing us by passing legislation that they do not read before they vote on it’s passage. Our President is failing our country by signing this unread legislation into law. We might call this a failure of their Oath of Office. Or we might call it a failure of our national identity. Either way, we can not continue to exist as a nation under these failures in government.
Ancient Rome is a prime example. Senators of the Roman Republic sat in their Coliseum seats, along with the Roman Emperors. They watched as slaves fought gladiators and cheered for blood. They watched as Christians were eaten by lions while the minions screamed for more blood. Those Senators allowed the decline of the Roman Republic by their lack of concern, accession and decadence. Eventually, their appeasements to the Caesars contributed to the decline of the Republic and the Empire. All was lost as hoards of barbarians over-ran a militarily-over-extended, over-taxed, Roman Empire.
That barbarism was unmatched until the 20th century, when Marxist/Socialist/Communism overtook Russia and Eastern Europe, culminating in the deaths of 50 million human beings. All of them murdered and starved by a mentally ill, psychotic-paranoid, Joseph Stalin; along with his secret police.
Adolph Hitler murdered 6 million Jews. Joseph Stalin murdered 50 million of his own Soviet people. The German people were compliant with Hitler and the Soviets with Stalin. They followed those leaders to their graves. The Roman Senators were compliant with the Caesars. Rome fell, as all great civilizations did in time. None of those civilizations had a living Constitution: a map for success throughout the ages. Our nation has one and it’s high time our Congress and our President start abiding by it.
The failure to follow our Founding Fathers’ map has lead America down the wrong road; to the crossroads we find ourselves looking upon. A “fundamental change in America”, we do not need. What we do need, is to return to a “foundation based on our Constitution”. We should command the respect due to us and the Oath of Office, from all our elected officials in city, county, state and federal government. Only that respect to their Constitutional Oaths and to the People, will save this country from the dust heap of history. We, as a free Nation, still have the right to demand that of our elected representatives. This is the duty and the requirement of all citizens of a Constitutional Republic. Demand it! Vote for it! Make it known to all!
If you are an American Patriot, then please, remember this on November 2, 2010. God’s Speed America!
I would never vote for Hilary, she about as bad as the illegal Muslim, get somebody in that has 1/2 of a brain, not like the illegal who doesn't really know just WHO his father is. Get the Clintons out of D.C. they have continued the trashing of the Constitution, get a Constititional Conservative, balanced budget, LIMITED government and they let the government do what it is suppose to do. Border control, stay out of the way of real businessmen who will try to bring economy and jobs back, try being a limited, decent government for a real change. Try having a president that is not a mix, it didn't and will not ever work. God Bless America
Obummer doesn't need to worry about his girls future well being because as soon as he's out of office in 2013 he will begin public speaking and book writing. His daughters will be wealthy and part of the elite class he loves so much. They will be well educated and rich and will not need to interact with the unwashed masses.
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