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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fireproof Your relationships with unconditional love

Recently my lovely wife traveled to Los Angeles to visit our eldest daughter Megan, accompanied with our youngest child, giving me some dad time with Yordon and Elizabeth and a chance to teach them both how to cook. But I also had time to reflect on love and if I truly understood what true love was, not just any old love, but unconditional love. Something that is alien to human beings especially worldly human beings and many among us in the body as well otherwise the divorce rate would not be so high among Christians. I sat with a brother  the other day who shared with me that unconditional love saved him and his wife from divorce now they had just enjoyed their 30th anniversary, he spoke to be about how we base our relationships on feelings. Today we are in love with our spouse but tomorrow well we are not feeling it anymore, which brings on adultery, lies, pain etc... He told me how his wife and him decided that divorce was not word or an acceptable term to ever be used no matter how bad things got, because divorce was simply a tool of the devil.
The dictionary defines unconditional love as affection with no limits or conditions; complete love.

Here are some unreserved synonyms for unconditional:

1. Without limitations or mitigating conditions:  absolute, unconditional, unconditioned, unqualified.

2. Having no reservations:  absolute, implicit, unconditional, undoubting, unfaltering, unhesitating, unquestioning, wholehearted.

3. Manifesting honesty and directness, especially in speech:  candid, direct, downright, forthright, frank, honest, ingenuous, man-to-
man, open, plainspoken, straight, straightforward, straight-out.

4. Disposed to be open sociable and talkative:  communicable, communicative, expansive, extraverted, extroverted, gregarious, outgoing.

5. Completely such, without qualification or exception:  absolute, all-out, arrant, complete, total, unbounded, unequivocal, unlimited, unqualified. 

Bible scriptures reveal to us that God’s love for all mankind is unconditional love.  Here are some Bible scriptures that reveal this truth to us of  the Father God’s steadfast, unfailing, steady, constant, enduring, faithful, eternal, never quitting, full of mercy, never lessening love.

Job 10:12 You have granted me life and steadfast love, and your care has preserved my spirit.  

Psalms 23:6 Surely or only goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, and through the length of my days the house of the Lord [and His presence] shall be my dwelling place. 

Psalms 33:18 The LORD watches over those who obey him, those who trust in his constant love. 

Psalms 136:1-26  Thank God!  He deserves your thanks.  His love never quits.  Thank the God of all gods, His love never quits.  Thank the Lord of all lords.  His love never quits.  Thanks the miracle-working God, His love never quits.  The God whose skill formed the cosmos, His love never quits.  The Lord who laid out earth on ocean foundations, His love never quits.  The God who filled the skies with light, His love never quits.  The sun to watch over the day, His love never quits.  Moon and stars as guardians of the night, His love never quits.  The God who struck down the Egyptian firstborn, His love never quits.  And rescued Israel from Egypt’s oppression, His love never quits.  Took Israel in hand with his powerful hand, His love never quits.  Split the Red Sea right in half, His love never quits.  Led Israel right through the middle, His love never quits.  Dumped Pharaoh and his army in the sea, His love never quits.  The God who marched his people through the desert, His love never quits.  Smashed huge kingdoms right and left, His love never quits.  Struck down the famous kings, His love never quits.  Struck Sihon the Amorite king, His love never quits.  Struck Og the Bashanite king, His love never quits.  Then distributed their land as booty, His love never quits.  Handed the land over to Israel, His love never quits.  God remembered us when we were down, His love never quits.  Rescued us from the trampling boot, His love never quits.  Takes care of everyone in time of need.  His love never quits.  Thank God, who did it all!  His love never quits!  The Message 

Why is God’s love unconditional?  Because Bible scriptures tell us God is love.  When you see the word “love” in the Bible Scriptures, you could translate it, “God”, for God is love.  God can’t help Himself.  He’s a love machine.

When I think of unconditional love I always think about God’s love for all of mankind.  He so dearly loved mankind that He gave up His only Son so He could pay the price for all of mankind's sins so that each and every one of us could be made righteous by Christ. Now that is unconditional love.  He gave up His Son and Christ gave up heaven to come to a sinful world to reveal the unconditional love of God.
God does not hate sinners.  If that were the case we would all be in trouble if He did since all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  No, God hates sin not man.  Why?  Because sins kills the ones God loves.  Sin steals from the ones God loves. And sin destroys the ones God loves.  God’s not trying to keep us from having fun.  No. No. He knows the outcome of sin, which is death and destruction.
Which is why he sent his only begotten son to suffer for us, because he does not desire for any of us to perish, that is unconditional love. To love someone even when they have not earned nor do they deserve your love. Do you have someone like that in your life right now?  Cause you were that person before Christ paid the price for you.  So husbands remember to love your wife as Christ loved the Church unconditionally.  Wives love your husband  with the same grace and mercy that God has had for mankind.  Its time we put divorce out of business, its we understand the vows we took, and live up to them for they are not impossible to for fill, but are impossible if we are walking in the pride of the flesh and living by our feelings. For feelings are like wave in the ocean they are tossed back and forth.

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