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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Love and hate are they one in the same

While the title is taken from a song I wrote in college, but the question that I pose to you, can a man love God and yet continue in sin?

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24)

Elijah came near to all the people and said, "How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him." But the people did not answer him a word. (1 Kings 18:21)

Both Scripture man is reminded of the choice he must make, for we can not say that we love God but yet continue in our sin.  We must either hate sin as God does or love the sin and hate God.  Lord Let each man search his own heart for the answer to this question. Which do you love the sin or God? Which do you hate God or sin?
Be aware that though your lips will utter one thing your actions may be saying a totally different thing.

How can anyone who calls himself a Christian knowingly continue in sin? As followers of Christ, we claim to be delivered from sin's power. over our lives We testify that the cross has fully redeemed us from the bondage of iniquity. Yet multitudes of believers today continue to cling to sexual immorality, greed, lies , grudges, bitterness.
Where are these Christians, you ask? They're all around you. You find them worshipping in churches every Sunday. They raise their hands in praise to God for delivering them. They witness to others of Christ's power to break all bondages. But they won't come out of their sin cave.
Sadly, many such Christians believe nothing can break sin's grip on them. They try every known method to get free of their bondage, but no amount of prayer, counseling or convicting sermons seems to help. Their sin just keeps entwining itself around their heart like a serpent, until it has full control of their life. And they end up carrying an agonizing burden of guilt and condemnation.
Paul asks, "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?" (Romans 6:1-2). Paul wonders, "We have received such incredible blessings in Christ. We have been baptized in him, buried and resurrected with him, conformed to the likeness of his death. So, how can we continue to sin and claim that we love the Lord our God?"

We are told to keep ourselves holly as God is holly, yet each day we  attempt to fit into a world that is not our home.  We are afraid to stand up for what is right or speak out against sin,  So who do we love God or sin?  Though we are in this world but we are not to be of this world.

Furthermore, sin never dies of itself. If it isn't uprooted and destroyed, it takes over the very throne of your life. First it affects your conscience, causing you to lose all discernment. The difference between right and wrong becomes clouded and fuzzy. Then, sin's voice gains your ear. Slowly, it begins to justify the sins of the flesh to you - even giving you scriptural arguments to support it. Finally, you become "sermon proof" - meaning, you no longer respond to Holy Ghost conviction.

What will you say to God when you stand before him? What excuse will we give him for clinging to sexual immorality, to the  root of bitterness, to covertness, ? Will we say, "Lord, I didn't know you would take this one sin so seriously. I thought you'd be patient with me, that your grace would abound toward me in it. I've always believed your New Covenant promise. I just kept waiting for your Spirit to remove the sin from me."

Beloved, our Lord is coming soon, and this is no time to trifle with our sin. I know many upright believers who at one point in their lives grew careless and were overcome by their lust of the flesh or the lust of the eye or the lust of the heart. So, don't think it can't happen. "For all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). "Why do I continue in my sin? Why does this evil bondage still hold me? Why am I not free?" Why is it so hard too still love sin when I know I must hate sin, in order to truly love God.  For if I love my sin, then I can not say I love God, For the Word of God tells me that God will not dwell where sin is.  So my heavenly Father will not co-habitat  with  us while we chase after our other love which is sin.

Image a prince or a princess leaving their throne to go crawl around the pig pen, why on God's name would anyone do that unless they have taken leave of all their senses.  But yet that is exactly what sin cause us to do.

It's Time!!!
Each of decide  love or hate which is that you choose?  To love the Lord our God is to hate sin.  To love sin is to hate our Heavenly Father.  Only one master can have domain over your life, the time is now for each of us to choose.

Lord God I ask you to help my brothers and sisters and myself in fleeing from sin and run directly into your loving arms and dwelling there forever and ever.  Let us hate what you hate and love what you love.  Bless the body dear Lord to have the eyes to see what sin is doing to the body, to realize that we can love both the world and serve you oh God.  Turn our stomachs to sin may we vomit it out of our systems. 

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