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Monday, January 16, 2012

I call  it the 2011 rehash, because there will be many remixes for 2012 things I really need my brothers in Christ to  take it as more than just words on a blog. Sister these words perhaps might be helpful in aiding your husband or brother or even father in his struggle. TO often men of God hide in their sin caves, buying the lies of the devil that, God does not care, that your spouse does not care, your heavenly Father's cares, He created you and that purpose was not to follow into the hands of the evil one and be destroyed. You were created for his pleasure and his joy to worship the creator not to worship the creation.

Be not like the Unsaved
What is adultery?  extramarital sex that willfully and maliciously interferes with marriage relations. Which often leads to divorce,  the Greek word moicheia. Its primary meaning was sexual intercourse between a married woman and any man other than her husband.  Adultery destroys marriages. The adulterer shows total disregard for the marriage vows and for his or her spouse. In this passage, Jesus reminds us that not only should we always be faithful, we should also avoid the lustful fantasies that can cloud our judgment and tempt us into actual adultery:   Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the bed be undefiled: but God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers. (Hebrews 13:4)

"Thou shalt not commit adultery" Exodus 20:14  Not only has God forbidden adultery, but the son of God himself said, "Whoso looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heartMatthew 5:28. If the adulterous thought is sin, surely the adulterous act is sin. The Holy Spirit through the inspired apostle has told us plainly that adultery is a sin. Peter described some sinners of his day as having "eyes full of adultery, that cannot cease from sin" II Peter 2:14
We are living in an age where sin is portrayed as a mere illness of the body or mind; when sin is denied or laughed off, when sin is rationalized as merely doing one's own thing, or doing what comes naturally. But a belief in the Holy God and respect for the authority of his word demands that adultery be recognized and acknowledged for what it is . . . sin.
The seriousness of the sin of adultery can be seen in several ways. Under the law of Moses the penalty was death by stoning. (Deuteronomy 22:21).  An impenitent adulterer cannot  enter the kingdom of heaven.

God has graciously provided -for the sexual desires of men and women to be satisfied only in marriage. It should be made clearly noted, however, that the sin of adultery, as serious in God's sight, and as hateful as it -is to those who commit it, it is forgivable! The story of Jesus and the woman who was taken in adultery  shows that adultery may be forgiven when God's conditions of pardon are met.
When sexual immorality of all kinds surrounds us on every side, may all of us desire to be, and strive to be, pure in heart and life. Like Joseph, when tempted by Potiphar's wife, can say "How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?Genesis 39:9.

Adultery kills, it often times leads to divorce, because the wounded party is not able to heal from the pain that was cause by the unfaithful spouse's selfish actions for self pleasure.
Did you know this?

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) -- Discovered that among  Baptists that they have the highest divorce rate of any  Christian denomination, and are more likely to get a divorce than
atheists and agnostics, according to a national survey.   The survey conducted by Barna Research Group in Ventura, Calif., found that 29 percent of all adult Baptists have been through a divorce. Among Christian groups, only those who attend non-denominational Protestant  churches were more likely to be divorced, with a 34 percent divorce rate.  Barna Research Group interviewed 3,854 adults from the 48 continental tates, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percent. The surveys found that while just 11 percent of the adult population is currently divorced, 25 percent of all adults have experienced at least one divorce, the survey showed. 

Twenty seven percent of those describing themselves as born-again Christians are currently or have previously been divorced, compared to 24 percent among other adults. 
  Major Christian denominations, Catholics and Lutherans have the lowest divorce rate at 21 percent, according to Barna. People who attend mainstream Protestant churches have an overall divorce rate of 25 percent. 

The levels vary among non-Christian groups, Barna reported. Jews have a divorce rate of 30 percent, while atheists and agnostics have a relatively low rate of 21 percent, according to the survey.

The survey found that Mormons, who emphasize strong families, are near the national average at 24 percent.   The study found that the South and Midwest had 27-percent divorce rates, while the rates were 19 percent in the Northwest and 26 percent in the

Whites are more likely to have had a divorce, at 27 percent, than Blacks (22 percent), Hispanics (20 percent) and Asians (8 percent), Barna found. 

Adultery has had  a major effect on Christian marriages, we can blame it on the internet, we can blame it on Television, but bottom line is that as Christians we have forgotten our first love which is Christ. Instead many among us are willing to trade our spiritual walk with Christ, for the pleasures of the flesh.

Adultery makes the vows you have made before the Lord God and friends and family none valid.  Adultery is a tool used by the enemy to destroy that which God has put together.  Oh men of God stand up and girt up your loins. Oh women of God, guard your hearts and let no man put asunder, that which God. Bottom line, the man God has given you in marriage is the man you are to have sex with, men of God rejoice and taste the sweetness of the fruits in which your wife has to offer you. 

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