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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Are you washed

It is said that when God was done and saw his works and said it was finished it was good. Christ said Father when man's sin I will go down there and die for him. Not if man sin but when man sins.  Now this not a factorial doctrine but in fact more of a story shared by an old southern minister.

 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1John 1:9)

Many people let sin separate them from God. But the devil is the one who tells us God does not love us when we sin. Jesus paid a great price so you can be forgiven and freed from sin and its penalty. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. God is against sin because it harms people, but God loves sinners! When we sin, it does not make God hate us. We should not run away from God, but run to Him for help and cleansing, so that our fellowship with Him will not be hindered in any way.
We confess our sins to shut the door on the devil so he has no place in our affairs. We don't confess our sins to convince God to forgive us. God has already forgiven! We confess our sins to get rid of them, and keep the devil out.  In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace
God loves people, including you. His ultimate plan is to have a family of people who do not sin, but voluntarily choose the way of love, which is God's perfect way. But just as a good parent does not throw their baby into the
street because they are not perfect yet, but still mess their pants, so God does not discard His children when they sin. God loves you more than any good parent ever loved their child. So look to Him for help in overcoming sin, instead of expecting condemnation from Him. When you sin, confess it to get rid of its influence in your
life and to keep the devil from having any place. I don't mean begging God to forgive you and promising to never do it again. Instead say, "That is wrong. I should not have done that. Lord, I need your help to overcome it. Please continue working your will in me." The price of sin has already been paid for with the precious blood of Jesus.
Because of his blood we are no longer estranged to the Lord, so we are united back to the Father by Christ's blood. Your sins are forgiven, you simply have accept the gift that is offered to anyone who will receive and accept Christ as their savior and confess to him that your inability to get through this life without him. For he is the only way that mankind can enter into heaven, for it through him and by him that we can enter into heaven only him. For without him our sins are not covered nor are they forgiven. But in Christ Jesus we are washed by the blood and saved.

Are you washed???

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