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Saturday, July 31, 2010

We must be Christ Centered

And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning,
the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.
(Colossians 1:18)
True Christianity is not a religion based on rules and rituals,
but a living relationship with  Christ.

Many people reduce Christianity down to attending church
meetings and trying not to commit a list of certain sins.

But being a Christian is being united with Jesus, a member of
His body, with His life in your heart.

  Christ should be your focus -- not religious activity -- For we are called
after Christ for we are called Christians,  which means
to be Christ like. Not Catholic like, or Baptist like , or Calvary like.
But Christ like, we are to live for Christ and only for Christ. Guess
girls and boys if was important which church we went we would all
be in trouble, because Christ never ordained or order another church
which means we would all be Jews going to temple on Saturday.
Lucky for us Christ is not concerned with buildings but with us.
For only true Church is inside of each of you, which is where the spirit of
the Lord dwells.

Church meetings, Bible reading, etc. can be good, but should
not be allowed to become an end in themselves. They are tools
to help us know Jesus and walk more closely with Him.

The Bible says we are to be faithful; but faithful to what: a
religious system, an organization -- or, a Person? Are you
serving Christ -- or serving something else as His substitute?

The focus of your life must be Christ .Paul said he would
preach only one thing Christ and he lived or died he counted it all
glory cause he knew he was doing it for Christ.
Tell me does Christ have a place in your life?
Does Christ have a place in your church or does your by laws
not have room for the creator of the universe?  Do the ideologies
of me leave room for Christ plain of redemption for man kind?
Stop  worrying about or talking about denomination for their is no
salvation in a denomination but in Christ himself and only in him.
The Word of God tells me there is no other name under heaven that
we can be saved by. Its Christ and only Christ, not in the Church of Christ
nor Ladder Day Saints etc... Say it with me people I'm redeemed by the blood of Christ.
Cause if it was a denomination we would have missed that boat by miles, since Christ was a
Jew and attended temple not Saturday Mass.  Take you eyes off of the devil deception and 
put your focus on the savior.

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