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Thursday, April 15, 2010


 Be Thankful

Psalm 107:1 Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy
endures forever.

In Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also
you were called in one body; and be thankful.

Being thankful  for a Christian, should not be a choice. If it was
impossible, God would not have commanded  us to do it.

Without  a few storm days, how can we truly enjoy a clear sunny day.
Gratitude is a mark of maturity. Ingratitude is a mark of
immaturity. Babies are never thankful.

Neither are proud people thankful. Why? Because their mindset
is that they deserve not just everything they have, but even
better. "Why be thankful for something less than what you
deserve?" describes their thinking.

A funny thing you will notice if you consider it: unthankful
people are never happy. In fact, the more thankful a person is,
the happier they are.  For believers we  must know this is not our home
. Which means we should not try to make this heaven.
  We have so much to be thankful for. Bought by the blood of Christ.

Saved from eternal damnation . No longer an enemy of God.

But how can you overcome the bad habit of ingratitude? Only by
changing your core beliefs. As long as you believe you are
getting a raw deal, or less than you deserve, you will never
become a thankful person.

But if you realize that you deserved punishment and eternal
separation from God -- yet, His grace & mercy  and love for a fallen man.
He paid the price for you and I. So instead of what
we deserve to have gotten we have been given God's grace
the air you breath, the close on your back, the food you ate.
These are all gifts from God. You are redeemed, by the blood of the lamb

So that alone is enough to be thankful.
  Thank you Lord God for the gift that I have not earned nor can I earn it.

Father draw each of us close to you and let us see only you, let not be lovers of our flesh
or the worldly possessions. Instead let us love your law and desire to be like Christ.
Give us the heart of Christ Oh Lord bless my brothers and sisters right now. fill
their  cups and let the flow with your love and your grace and mercy.

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