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Friday, December 14, 2012

Mark 9:23

Most people like to "play it safe." They don't even want their boat to rock, let alone consider getting out and "walking on water." God allows us to make choices. God's plan is that we would walk with Him in His realm of miracles, but He allows us to grow and develop until we are ready. He does not force us. Notice that Peter was the one who chose to walk on water. And Peter did walk on water, if only for a short time. As long as Peter kept His focus on Jesus he stayed in faith, but when he focused on the circumstances, he became afraid and sunk back into the natural realm. Jesus told us that all things are possible if we believe. Therefore, our limits are self-imposed, not imposed by God. If we change our beliefs to line up with God's Word, we can see amazing results.
 Right before Peter  endevored to walked on  water, Jesus fed a
crowd of 5,000 men, plus women and children, starting with only five loaves of bread and two fish. Most think only Jesus could do such things, but Jesus told us in John 14:12 that those who believe in Him would do the same works He did. So if we believe what Jesus said in John 14:12, we must believe we can multiply food as He did. But Jesus was not the first, or only one, to supernaturally multiply food on earth. Not only did God supernaturally provide food (manna) for 40years in the wilderness for all the children of Israel, but
food was also multiplied through the ministry of Elijah  It is easy to think we could never do things like Elijah, but Scripture says Elijah was a man just like us. Obviously, we are being encouraged to believe great things can happen through our lives, too. The key is to realize that the power is of God and not of us. God has done great things through others, and He can do them through you, also!  But you are the one who must choose to believe that God's Word is true. If you never "step out of your boat" and act on God's Word, you will not see miracles happen. God will not love you any less if you are afraid and choose to stay in your little boat. But you were not created to be imprisoned in a little boat. You were created to grow up to be like Jesus and walk with Him. It's great to "walk on water" with Jesus. So don't be afraid to launch out into new areas of faith. Step out in faith on God's Word. Even if you begin to "sink" Jesus will rescue you, so
don't be afraid.

 Jesus said to him, “If you can believe,[a] all things are possible to him who believes.” (Mark 9:23).

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