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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mediate on the Word daily

In the book of Joshua 1:8 "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but
you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to
do according to all that is written in it. For then you will
make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

God's Word never changes. What God promised would work for
Joshua will work for us also. The problem with most of us is
that we are just too busy to apply God's Word first like we
should. How many times have we gone to the Father

in prayer concerning a issue. Instead of us waiting
till we hear from him we grow impatient and take matters into our own hands. 
Without hearing from God? Or maybe you
were to busy to wait for him to speak to you?  Perhaps
you were to busy to hear Him speaking to you?

God never lies. Follow His instructions  for he has plans to prosper you. 

No that does mean he is going to make you rich.
It simply means you will have prosperity and good success. Maybe not in 10 minutes.
Maybe not even for 10 years. But you will. God promises it.

Notice that Joshua 1:8 does not just say to think about God's
Word. No -- the Word must continually be in your mouth in your heart.

God is true and will not change, He promised that he would not

forsake us. David when he was forced to hide out in the cave
from King Saul, when Saul sought to kill him. David trusted in the Lord and daily
did he call upon the Lord. Till the victory was given to him. David Trusted
God to be his everything and to provide for his needs.

Tell me when your going through a storm, what do you turn to first?
Is it your own strength? Or your own intellect? Perhaps its the world?
Or men do you crawl back into your sin cave?
Or do you not worry, because you know that you anchored in the Word of God?

I watched this whole health care debate, I heard from many Christians
who some felt this was the end.  I smiled and thought who notified God of
this?  Bottom line for us we are to trust in the Word God for our hope,
and our promises are all there.  Trust not in Kings or prince's for they will fail you.

If we  keep our eyes on God and plant his word deep in our hearts,
does not matter what this world does, we will weather the storm because
God word  is a light unto our feet.
Let us each day dig into his Word and discover the promises of God.
Lean upon them and not yourself, for the flesh will fail, but God's word
will not return void.

Lord God, I pray that you will start a fire in me, to thrust for only your word.
To hunger for prayer time with you. Rest in faith in your promises to me.
Cloth me in your  righteousness, that my shame of this rotten flesh will not been
seen but instead your glory will shine so brightly that all that come into contact
with me can and will not be the same.

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