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Friday, February 26, 2010

The Gospel is the good news

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is
the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes -- the
Jew first and also the Gentile.

God is on our side -- not against us. That's good news!

The Gospel means good news. It was not originally a religious word,
but meant good news which makes people happy and excited.

If what you have heard about  Christ does not make you
happy and excited, then you have not yet truly heard and
understood the Gospel as it is meant to be understood.

The basic outline is that Jesus of Nazareth, who was God in a
human body, took your place in judgment, paying the penalty
for all your sins, and gave you the blessing He deserved
because of His perfect sinless life.

God, the Creator, and Sustainer of the universe, loves you
enough to die for you. That's good news!

Christ took  upon himself that which was yours and mine to pay, he paid the price

we could not and now because of his blood we are redeemed.

Christ died for the sins of the world. Deliverance from sin, is here for us to simply accept and believe

on the one who died for you and I. Turn from sin and embrace and accept Christ as your Lord and savior.
Nothing more is necessary accept you believe and confess your sin and turn from sin and turn to Christ.

The good news is we are no longer enemies of God's, but we have been adopted into the family of God.
You sins have been washed away, you have been made righteous not because of anything that you have done. 

Go!!!!! Tell everyone you meet the good new Christ died for their sins, so that they do not have die and go to hell, instead they can now dwell forever with Christ  our Lord and Savior.  After why would you want to die and go to
hell after having lived in hell on earth?  Christ offers you  eternal joy and peace, accept and be free from sin.

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