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Friday, March 19, 2021

He Has Overcome

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33 (NASB)

Jesus is preparing His disciples for His death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven.  This is His promise to them: You will have troubles.  You will suffer.  Life will not be easy for you.  That should put paid to any health and wealth, prosperity, false gospel.

But he doesn't stop there.  He says "take courage."  The King James translates this "be of good cheer."  He is calling His disciples to joyful confidence.  Why should they have joyful confidence?  This world says trials and suffering are not something to be joyful or confident about.

Jesus gives them the reason.  What do we expect here?  Why would we be joyfully confident in this suffering?  Is it because He's going to take it away?  No.  Is it because He's going to protect us from it?  No.  It is it because ultimately it's all for our good and we'll look back on it in the future and say "Thank you, God, for letting me go through that?"  No.  It's none of those things.

Here's why we can be joyfully confident in the midst of every tribulation and trial and sorrow and suffering:  Jesus has overcome the world.  Not "He will overcome it."  Not "He's overcoming it."  Not "He might possibly redeem what you're going through."  Our Lord has already overcome the world.  We serve a King who reigns over every circumstance, over every suffering, over every sorrow.  And He took them on Himself on the cross.  His wounds poured out blood for the healing of the nations and for the healing of our sinful, broken hearts.  Thank you, Jesus!

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