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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Which Wisdom to Walk in?

Which Wisdom to Walk in?

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Scriptures to read: James 3:13-18 ; 1 John 1:5-9; Psalm 139:1-4

Two kinds of wisdom.....
One kind displays bitter envy. It also seeks after it's own (self-seeking). Quoting from James, he states that “ it (this wisdom) doesn't come from above, but is earthly, sensual, and demonic.” And even though we may not want to admit it, sometimes, it's what we have in our hearts. And we can't hide from the Holy Spirit...eventually what is in our heart will come out. So why try to hide or lie to God? He already knows what's in our hearts. (See Psalm 139:1-4).

The other kind of wisdom from above is pure. It is gentle and can yield to others. Full of mercy. It is without partiality. Able to treat others with respect and love as people created in the image of God...whether they are a homeless person or a doctor. There's a lack of hypocrisy or to state it another way....A person with this kind of wisdom is what we like to call “real”.

But do any of us walk in the second kind of wisdom all of the time? I know that I don't.
In the book of 1 John, John writes that if we say that we don't have any sin, we are deceiving ourselves. But if we can get real with God and be honest, He can and is more than willing to free us from any sin (See 1John1:9) He (Jesus) died so that we wouldn't have to stay in our sins. He loves with a perfect love.
So, let us confess that sin that our Lord already knows about anyway so that we can be forgiven and cleansed from it. He (Jesus) paid too high a price for us to turn down His offer of forgiveness.
In Christ our Lord,


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