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Saturday, July 13, 2013

The "IF(s)" of the Bible

You may ask me; What do you mean "if?" Having been in "Church" for most of my life I've hear what I believe as misassumption in the Body. The Main one I want to hit on is:

                                        If our God is for us whom/what can stop us?

Many Christians  assume the "just" because we go to church or feed homeless or attend a mid-week bible study, that "I'm good". When doing these things can help "earn favor" but, its not by work that we receive our Salvation(Eph 2:8-9).  We can look at the book of Job and see a outstanding man of God who went though pain, suffering and lost just about everything in his life. But he was a man whom you would have thought that, "out of anybody God would have been for Job".
   Or we can look at John the Baptist(John 3), who lived in the desert and mocked by the religious leaders. This guy eat bugs and wear camel hair. By todays standers he'd be the stinky, homeless and even possibly crazy guy on corner shouting "THE END IS NEAR!!" When John's cousin(Jesus) came to be baptized, there by proclaiming that "I'm behind this man and the ministry and what he is doing". And Christ did not get Baptized or hold a big "Revival" at the Temple or tell the religious Leaders, "that you guy's are doing a great job". He called them a lot of mean things and cursed there ministry(Matt 3:7, Matt 23:27).
   We have these big churches and big pastors, like Joel Olstean or T.B. Jakes or the Crystal Cathedral or even Verdict city. Should we just assume that because they're big and flashy or have a big following that these people or places have favor from God? and He will fulfill all His promises that we find in the Bible?  Now lets bring this back down to us, if our God is for us then what can stop us? If Job was a Good man even a righteous man. Why would God allow or put him though that? Or John, a Homeless Bum that preached in the boonie's, Jesus, Son of God said this is a man I can support.
  King David I believed had the best answers of all "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting"(Ps. 139:23-34).

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