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Saturday, November 3, 2012

We are the body

 The Bible tells us to honor our father and mother. It is not wrong to honor someone because of their achievements, we should not consider humans the originators of
everything. And we are not to set some people up on a pedestal and follow them instead of God. It is not wrong to honor people, but it is wrong to honor people above God.
No one should be allowed to take the place of honor and respect that belongs to God alone. He is the One who originated all things. He is the One who deserves our utmost honor, respect,
and obedience. God is our Leader! And instead of operating like the world and setting up a hierarchy we are to operate as co-equals for we are the body.  The human tendency is to try and distinguish ourselves from others. We try to elevate ourselves so others will look up to
us and make us feel good about ourselves. Jesus is telling us we must not operate as body which mean the legs do one thing and the arms perform a different task, but neither is less or better than the other. We should not need a title to make us feel valuable when God has already established our value by the price He paid to redeem us. Being a child of God is the highest position imaginable. No human title can begin to compare with that. All special titles and human recognition are ultimately
worthless anyway. They may have some value here on earth. But only God, the ultimate Judge, truly matters. What others think of us matters little. Human organizations always exalt some people while minimizing others. "These are the important people. These other people are not very important." But God's people are not supposed to operate this way. Finally, Jesus tells a great truth -- which many have not yet understood. The greatest person is the one who serves others the most. This is not just a short-term idea, valid only in this life on earth. This is the way it will be in God's Kingdom
for eternity. Those who serve others the most are the greatest. In the Kingdom of God status is not measured by a title or an office or a following (how may fans or friends you may have).
Instead greatness is determined solely by how much you help others. God helps everyone all the time. That makes Him the greatest. The more we help others, the greater it makes us. So don't
worry about a title or an office just be willing to be the hands and feet of Christ to bless all those that He sends your way, for their are no accidents just opportunity.

 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28).

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