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Monday, November 12, 2012

The Spirit of Truth

The Spirit of Truth lives in us, so we should be known for our truthfulness. People should be saying, "You can depend on them. If they say something, you can count on it being true!" There should be a clear difference between the children of light and the children of darkness, the children of God and the
children of the devil. Never forget that the devil is the father of lies. People lie because of fear of loss or pain. They are afraid if they always tell the truth, things might go badly for them. So people lie to try to obtain a better result for themselves. But lies can take you only so far. Truth always prevails in the end. So a lie that was done in an attempt to help you, willalways end up eventually hurting you instead. Some might argue that sometimes lies are used to avoid hurting other's feelings. Like when someone asks, "Do I look old or fat?" and you tell them "No!" because you want them to feel good about themselves. But actually you don't want them to think badly of you for telling them the truth. I would never suggest that you say anything to put anyone down and make them feel bad. But you don't have to respond directly to that type of question, either. Instead you could answer with something like, "You are a wonderful person and I love you." One thing we need to learn is that we are not obligated to answer every time we are asked a question. Jesus did not! There are times when it is best to simply say nothing. As Christians, we may lament how politicians and government leaders seem to have problems with telling the truth. But we cannot condemn them without condemning ourselves, if we are also guilty of sometimes not telling the truth. We need a revival of truth in our culture. As Christians we should be people who mean what we say and can be depended on to tell the truth. We are supposed to be a light to the world around us, setting a good example. While a lie may tempt with the promise of improving things, remember that the devil's work results in stealing, killing,
and destruction.

 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10).

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