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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Are you a Christian

Yes you read it right!!!! I ask the question again for those that might not realize how serious of a question this is.

I start off with opening myself up to you, so that you know that I do not judge any of you for I can only speak of myself and my faults. Mine is in the hopes that each of us will self examine our believes, and bring our selves before the Lord and that select group of brothers or sisters that God has appointed in your life for this season.

This question was asked of me in 2001 by my brother Steve Miller AKA my Nathan. He and I were stationed together back when I was in the Navy in San Diego. He approached me and informed me that his computer was not functioning..I told him I would have one of my staff members look at his computer, and returned to my office, shortly after, Steve appeared again, this time he asked me "Willis are you a Christian?" at that moment I thought to my self 5 lbs of pressures, applied properly, can kill a grown man. I wanted to apply it right then and there. For you see I had been ordained Pastor in 1997 at Mt. Maria Baptist Missionary Church in San Diego, I grew up in Christian family sang in the church choir. I came to this church with a friend to sing in their choir. To later become a Sunday School Teacher the Sunday School Supervisor,the to becoming an ordain deacon and to becoming an ordain Minister and a Pastor. Sound like I had it all together with my walk??? If I did I was about to loose it. For about the same time I got the call to be a Pastor and was happy. Little did I know my ex-wife had allowed the deacon to sleep with her. The same deacon I had sought wisdom from because he was older. Had plotted to sleep with my wife because he wanted to know what it was like to sleep with a white woman. I thought I could weather this storm. Forgive and forget, yea I couldn't forget. So I went to my senior Pastor with this issue and both the Deacon and my ex-wife denied it. My ex later confessed the truth to my senior Pastor and claimed she as afraid of the deacon's wife. I left that church, I got invited by Pastor Chuck Murphy to be his assist Pastor and youth Pastor at Brothers Keeper. But soon my ex-wife would not be able to remain together. So finally I left the church with shame and the thought that God had done this to me... Though I had sin also, before my divorce was final I slept and now am married to the wonderful woman I call my wife. Most of you know her as Dee, still not sure why she married me except perhaps a chemical imbalance. For give me as digress for a moment there.

My response to Steve question was. "Look Steve I will get someone to look at your computer!!!!" He repeated his question "are you a Christian?", now everyone in my office is now staring at me. I quickly turned to him and said yes I'm a Christian now leave me alone. Still with full calmness he said then come to church with me.
He did let go till I attend church at Maranatha a Calvary Chapel. I found that as soon as starting to go there life got better. (but look out cause the story is about to get better)

My truck broke down on the side of the freeway, a brother from the church Mike came and picked myself up and Dee and my ex-wife was also attending the church at my invitation.
and offered to pay the bill. So he picked me up on base the next time and drove me to pick up my truck. The cost was over 600.00, it seemed for a while after that attack after attack was happening to me. " The closer you draw to the Lord the more the enemy wants you died." Now if there be any among you who said I don't like this whole suffering thing for Christ. Then do this block my emails get ride of your bible and never call on God 's name again. The enemy will leave you alone. But the moment you step out for Christ you become a marked brother or sister.

OK now back to my question, I feel after I have shared with each of you where I have been that I can ask this question of you and I would like for you to think about and then email me back.

1. Are you a Christian?
a.. Does love abide in you ?

If someone at your job need to find a Christian would they know that you are one?
Have you ever been called out in public about if your a Christian?
Would you and can you put the needs of others before yourself?
Are you willing to be uncomfortable to please God?

I ask you the same question that has been posed to me over the last 8 years, and I find myself going No I'm not but I'm working on it.
For you see, I can not lie love does not always abide in me. I have had brothers call me but I didn't want to talk at that moment. Oh selfish man I was, for how did I know if God sent that brother to me as His saving grace. How would I have felt if tomorrow I found out that brother took his life, I was his last hope but I didn't want to be bothered. I wanted to rest because I worked a 14 hour day. Or the kids and my wife were driving me crazy, maybe my back was hurting. Or the moon and the stars weren't lined up properly for me to speak to him etc.... Does someone know I'm a Christian yes the other hiding Christian know because we all hide in the same fox hole together, to afraid of what men think of us??? Good questions since this email is going to some co-workers you tell me. The Last two question most of the time I would say no. Because as human beings we tend to want life to be about us. We say we care about others, as long as it does not require us to get outside our comfort zone.

So am I Christian, some of you tell me I am yet I do not do all the things that Christ did. Christ told his accusers that questioned him about why he healed on the Sabbath day. He told them he did those things which he saw his Father do. Yet I know that Christ forgave sins, he was a healer, blessed man, he was a friend to the friendless. He puts the needs of this brothers first. He was consistent in his duties,I am not. Flawed, that I am yet I do I give up? nay I say I do not for I know that if I'm to be like Christ I must first die to self. Meaning I must be willing to put the needs of others before mine..

Dr. Willis Henry D.C.S
To thine own self be true

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