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Monday, November 16, 2015

Sermon (Not my will, but yours be done oh Lord)

                                         Not my will, but yours be done oh Lord

Before I get started tonight I should determine my audience. None Christians right?  Christians oh wait then this discussions going to last more than 10 minutes, if your truly a Christian wife you might want to strap in right about now, however if your not this might be the time you want excuse yourself for a bathroom break. Let's talk about submission in the Christian Marriage not the worldly marriage, I want you to ask yourself which kind of marriage do you have one that honors God or one that operates accord to the standards of the world?

 Did you know Protestant/Christians have 65% percent chance of divorce? Catholics have a 68% well maybe your thinking at least we better than those Catholics, but wait their is more. The divorce rate among Hebrews is only 3%.
This is where I was going hit the audience with a bunch of statistics but I realized two things

1. I hated Statistics in college
2. The Word of God must lead this conversation like Peter said in (Acts 5:29)
 “We ought to obey God rather than men.          
I want to see a show of hands for those who agree with Peter’s statement?

I'm not going to be concerned with how our divorce rates compares to the unbeliever.. Instead I want to speak to Christian wives about having a 100% success rate if your willing to have a Godly marriage, which means God, must be in the center of your marriage and his blue print the Holy Bible must be what your marriage is built with.

What does submission look like to Jesus?  Jesus submitted to the will of His Father in (Matthew 26:39).  A picture of Submission is Jesus in the garden, where Jesus grieves, but chooses to submit to the will of the Father.  Jesus said not my will but thy will be done. These were the words of Christ, Himself, within hours of His betrayal and then His crucifixion.  If ANYONE in the universe had a reason for wanting to find another way for people to be made right with God – it should have been Jesus but Christ submitted to the will of the Father.  Now understand like any Christian wife Jesus could have chosen to not submit to the will of the Father, but Jesus loved His Father and wants to honor His Heavenly Father. My sisters in Christ mimic Jesus in submitting not to men but to Your Heavenly Father. For as you submit to Christ You prove to be Christ like. How does a wife say she honors God whom she has not seen but yet dishonors God’s instruction. The Husband God gave you is meant to be a physical representation of Christ. A Christian woman therefore does not submit because her husband deserves it, she submits because she knows it is pleasing to her Heavenly Father. Christ didn’t wash the feet of his disciples, because they were greater than Him but to show them what submission looked like and to again honor the Father and Christ knew it was not about him but about God. Having a Godly marriage is obeying and living according to how Christ has commanded us to.

Submission takes humility.  It also takes a lot of prayer and relying on the Holy Spirit.  Christian wives must look to Jesus as an example, and reflect His love and Self-sacrifice as they lovingly choose to submit unto the husband.)Sisters you are not slaves but freed from sin both male and female alike must be bondservants to Christ.

Sister I beseech you to lean on and allow God to guide and direct you in how to be the Godly daughter and how to play your part in having a Godly marriage. God does not operate on feelings and as a Christian God wants us to rely on Him and not on our flesh for the flesh is deceitful and is like a wave tossed to and fro.
 So if you’re a Christian wife and you want that 100% success rate for your marriage honor God, put not your trust in mankind but Trust in God and His Holy Word. Perhaps your sitting they’re thinking this guy does not know the kind of man I’m married too. You would be correct I do not know but God does, do you think if you put your marriage in the hands of the one who created the universe that your marriage is to great of issue for him to fix????
For you see the God I serve can do anything but fail. My God is a loving caring Father. Its time you trust God with your marriage instead of trusting women’s magazines, or Oprah, or your none Christian girlfriends or the latest how to fix your husband book. How about you trust the one who established marriage, which would be God??? Are you ready to trust God with your marriage??? For what God has commanded both spouses is action, which means you need to actually do something. Perhaps your that wife who said once he makes me happy then I will submit, Could you be so kind and stand up and tell me where that scripture is that says, ‘First the husband must for fill the desires of his wife’s heart and ensure she truly happy, once he has done then the wife will submit and honor him.  For I know I’m not even close to be a learned man, but I do not believe that is in the bible nor is that what God mean when told the husband to love his wife. Jesus loved the Father and God asked Jesus to die for you and I. I’m sure Jesus was not in the garden jumping for joy but instead Jesus honored the Father just as God expect you my sisters to.  Not my will but thy will be done must become your motto if you truly want to honor God in your marriage.

21. submitting to one another in the fear of God  (Ephesians 5:21)
Verse [21] tells the husband and the wife to submit one to the other in reverence of God..  Notice in Ephesian 5 Paul doesn't say, "Husbands, tell your wife to submit" or, "Wives, tell your husband to step up and be spiritual head of the home." Instead, he speaks to us and asks each of us to work on his or her obedience to God.
In Ephesians, Paul actually introduces something radical to the culture: that people with more power have greater responsibilities, Paul says to husbands, "Yes, you've got authority, but you've also got responsibility." In fact, Christian teachers from the earliest centuries have pointed out that what Paul asks the husband to do is actually harder than what he ask of the wife to do. He asks the wife to show respect and submit; he asks the husband to die.
Christian husbands are called to daily dying to the desires of their flesh, instead focus on the loving his wife as Christ demands she be love?"

 Sister it must be not your will but thy will be done I would say we ought to obey God rather than our feelings or the women’s lib movement. “Submission” in the sense that God uses it in the Bible is a concept that began in the Trinity in a relationship of Equals.  Jesus is not inferior in any way to God the Father.  They are one.  The Father has the position of authority, the Son honors His Father’s authority.  He is not a second-class citizen, a slave or of less value than the Father.  In fact, His willingness to submit to and honor His Father demonstrates perfect love. Eve was taken from the rib of Adam in no way did God see her as lessor creation, but she was to be Adam’s equal to be his helpmate.
What does submission look like for the modern day Christian wife? I’m not asking what it looks like to the modern day women’s movement but the woman who has decided to follow Christ, the true Christian wife.
Today, one of the most difficult concepts in God’s Word is biblical submission.  The word submission is not limited to wives alone. For example: Christians are told to submit to the government (Romans 13:1), Christians are told to submit directly to God (James 4:7). Another word for submission is Self-sacrifice, which is required in each circumstance.  Submission is neither easy nor is always convenient.  Instead, it should be viewed as service unto God.  A Godly wife attitude toward Christ, must be “Not my will, but yours be done oh Lord.”    The Godly wife desires God’s will above her own.  Her intimacy and relationship with Christ and her husband are MUCH more valuable to her than getting her way about a certain decision.
 The Godly wife knows She can express her feelings, desires, concerns and thoughts to God and her husband.  Once she has expressed herself, she trusts that God will direct her and her husband. {X]The Greek word for submission is hupotasso, “to subordinate…put under…” God exhorts women to voluntarily follow their husband’s leadership.  

22. Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.
23. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.
24. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything (Ephesians 5:22-24).  
Submission should not be confused with a person being weak. When a Christian wives honors God and obeys what is being asked of her in Ephesians 5:22-24, she assures herself of blessing coming and going both in her marriage and with her children.

18.Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord (Colossians 3:18). 
Ultimately, each of us will answer to God for our obedience to Him.  Be VERY SURE you are operating in obedience to Christ.  Wives, God holds Christian husbands accountable for their leadership, love, gentleness and selflessness and God holds the wife accountable for demonstrating respect, biblical submission and obedience to the commands of God.  We will each stand accountable to God, so tread very carefully and reverently to God’s Word,. My Christians sister  lean not unto your own understand for human beings we are Only God can see the whole picture, which is when we obey God’s word we can expect victory in our marriages. 

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding  (Proverbs 3:5). Sisters submit to God not to the will of the flesh, if you are a true follower of Christ do as Christ Did “not my will but Thy will be done” If the God of universe could come as man and submit to the will of the Father who are you to refuse or decide that you will submit once your requirement are met!!! Christians we got stop playing with God’s word!!!

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