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Thursday, May 3, 2012

"So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God." (Romans 14:12).

There is only one thing that is absolutely sure to happen to every person--every human being  will have to face God one day. Not even "death and taxes" are certain for every one, but meeting God for an accounting of one's life is certain!

Therefore, as the prophet Amos warned some 2,500 years ago: "Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel" (Amos 4:12). "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment", bottom line we have only this life time to accept the gift that Christ offers to every man and women which is His forgiveness and the blessing of eternal life, but this offers only extends as long as we are alive. I once heard it said that I would rather go through life believing in a judgement day and die and find out I was wrong. Than go through life and believe that their is no God and no judgement and stand face to face with him. For if I'm wrong and there is nothing after this I've lost nothing, but if your wrong and there is a God you've lost your eternal soul. Not a gamble I'm willing to take.

To the Christian believer, of course, there is no need to fear hell, for there is "now no condemnation that is, 'judgment' to them which are in Christ Jesus." The Lord  has paid for our sins and purchased our redemption by the  shedding of His blood. He "was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.". One day brothers and sisters we shall stand before our savior and I want to hear him say well done my true and faithful servant. However for those that die in unbelief, however, not having trusted Christ as their Savior, will face a different meeting with God. He will be your judge and a judge must rule justly, justice demands that death for sin and if you have not been covered in the blood and the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ you will be found guilty and must then be separated eternally from God.  Please remember this, God never created hell for man, it is not Jesus will nor the Father will that any human being should go there. But if you refuse to accept Christ offer to dwell with Him in heaven were else can he send you except for hell.

 I grow tired of people always asking why would God send people to hell, cause I always reply the same answer . God does not send any man to hell, they do that themselves, he offers each of us his forgiveness for our sins, if you deny and and refuse His offer then hell is the only place left for you. Sadly hell will never refuse anyone, hell is open a24/7 and the road is wide  and filled with many, who have refused Christ offer.

How long will you wait, he is calling you today, he wants to take away all the pain, all the burdens and the sins that you have committed against him. He wants to give you a fresh start, want you accept his offer today before its to late??? Accept his offer, please before its to late he want wait forever, he has been calling out to you for a while now, you have heard his voice, what do you got to loose by accepting his offer??? What you have to loose if you don't is your eternal soul, He died for you and I so that we don't have to loose our soul. Want you let him in, let him take away ever tear, ever bit of pain you ever felt, let him heal the wounds that this life has brought you.

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